The 10th annual Roadrunners Basketball Golf Tournament is approaching fast, and there are still spots to sign up and participate.  

“Funds from this tournament will help ensure that we are providing the best experience for our student-athletes,” Athletic Director Todd Thurman 说. “有时, it’s the difference between eating fast food or nutritional meals during this time when costs are continuing to rise.” 

上个赛季, the basketball teams had a combined 25 away games, including contests in South Dakota, 新墨西哥, 怀俄明, 犹他州, 德克萨斯州和内布拉斯加州. Funds raised in the tournament will help offset the cost of food, 住宿, transportation and other expenses such as uniforms, 实践齿轮, officiating and more for both the men’s and women’s basketball teams.

坦尼娅Haave, head women’s basketball coach, says funding is critical because both basketball teams spend quite a lot of time on the road and will spend even more time traveling in the upcoming season, sometimes spending up to seven hours one-way on a bus.  


It is vital that we put the student-athletes in the best possible conditions so that they can perform to the best of their abilities,” Haave 说. “We ask a lot from our student-athletes in terms of time and effort, so we feel it is important to provide them with the best possible food and 住宿 options while we are traveling. 

The fun-filled day includes a tee time at 城市公园 for a best-ball scramble, 车的费用, breakfast and lunch, Roadrunner 体育运动 gear and a sleeve of Titleist golf balls with the Roadrunner logo. 

“Everyone who has ever played in our tournament has always had a lot of fun playing,” Haave 说. “You get to play on the crown jewel of the City of 丹佛 golf courses, 城市公园, and at the same time play with people who are passionate about supporting 密歇根州立大学丹佛.” 

Registration is $200 per person or $750 for a foursome.